
crazy purple knockout gas

for halloween in july, the weekend festival a few friends organize each year (with film festival, band night, awards ceremony, and creepy face painting) i finally got to create the long awaited crazy purple knockout gas costume. for those who don't know, which was really the only obstacle to the costume, "crazy purple knockout gas" is from Family Guy. if you go here, you can see what i'm talking about http://flimmr.passagen.se/movie/family_guy_02x11_a_picture_s_worth_a_thousand_bucks.action,
the knockout gas part is towards the end, about a half an inch from the end (it doesn't have a timeline). basically, the family goes to new york because an art gallery owner saw Chris' work and thought he'd be famous. Chris gets wrapped up in the art world and misses his family, so he paints only his dad. the gallery owner is angry and demands reimbursement for paying to launch Chris' work, at which point Peter, in a effort to create a distraction, hands the guy a small golden replica of himself. he says, "work of art? or container of crazy purple knockout gas?!" he runs. then returns, taps it, and runs. then returns, is about to tap it again, and a purple gas emerges from it and hits him in the face, at which point he passes out. for some reason i decided this would be a great halloween costume. here it is:

it's not the best picture of it, but the only one i have. i have one eye painted black (knockout), purple dress, nails, and purse, and the mask part just said crazy to me. originally, i wanted a crazy wig, but couldn't find one. i got super lucky with the dress- got it at goodwill at the first store i checked in about fifteen minutes. all i had to do to alter it was pull out some heinous 80's shoulder pads and tighten it up a bit, but it's got great rusched sleeves, a grecian shoulder fold over, and a major, major sequin flower. nice.
crazy purple knockout gas is off the list!

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